From 1 lb to 1 year...

January 27th was quite a landmark as we celebrated Treys first birthday!!! As we look back on the previous year, my wife and I both agree that it was the most difficult year either of us has ever had to go through. However we also agree that there has never been a year where we have been drawn closer to God. We also have never felt more loved by God, our family, our church family, and literally thousands of people we have never even met! This past year has been a roller coaster ride for sure, but I’m so thankful for the opportunity to go through it. God has strengthened our faith tremendously by providing every penny of Trey's doctor bills which have now exceeded 3 million dollars, and he has kept our son safe despite 187 days in the hospital (93 in the I.C.U.). If that won't strengthen your faith, I don’t know what will! We were so saturated in expressions of love and support by so many, that it would bring tears to our eyes at times.
A lot of people would look at this as a tragic situation, and even though I would not chose to do it again, I am thankful for the trial God has brought us through and the grace He gave to sustain us when nothing else would. I also thank all of you who kept Trey with us through your fervent prayers for him. You loved and prayed for him like he was your own son, and I believe God saw that and answered those prayers and I’m so thankful He did!!
This post along with the following pictures will be our last. I thought it fitting to close this blog on his birthday since he is doing so well. He is doing great, he is very close to being completely off of oxygen and we can't keep up with him crawling all over the house and pulling up on everything and of course falling off! There are so many people I want to list on here to thank but there’s no way I could do that without leaving someone off. So I thank you all so much! You have done so much, and my family is forever in your debt. We will miss you greatly and think of you constantly. Feel free to come see Trey at church. We will be at South Haven Baptist Church in Springfield Tennessee every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night and would love to see you if your in the area.
Again we love you and thank you so much!!!!!